Arizona Baptist Children’s Services & Family Ministries (ABCS) believes strongly in going on mission with God, both locally and internationally. Missions trips are opportunities to make an impact in the lives of various communities, families and individuals. Our desire is to see God’s kingdom expand wherever He sends us. These trips also become transforming experiences for those who participate.
ABCS currently partners with thee Shelter of Love Center in Kampong Thom, Cambodia; Ministerios Fe y Esperanza (Ministry of Faith and Hope) in Ciudad Morelos, Mexico; and Hearts for Kenya in Bungoma, Kenya. Through these partnerships and various other mission avenues, ABCS is privileged to promote international mission trips.
Through the Mission Action Program, ABCS staff may take a mission trip, serve in a local ministry project, counsel at youth camp or help with Vacation Bible School. Staff serve in communities across Arizona, the U.S. and even other countries. These mission experiences do not count against vacation time for ABCS staff—freeing up more time for them to serve God outside of their work life. They help multiply the impact of ABCS beyond the walls of our regular ministry programs.
Below is a highlight from an ABCS team mission trip:
ABCS brought a mission team of 12 people to visit the Shelter of Love Center in Kampong Thom, Cambodia. ABCS has supported this shelter since 2009 and the ABCS president was making his third trip to the shelter with this visit. It is his connection to this shelter and his passion to expand the ministries of ABCS to work internationally that led to the creation of Mission Encounter 360.
The Cambodian culture is deeply seated in its Buddhist religion and is spiritually oppressed, with less than two percent of the population knowing the saving grace of Jesus. We were able to conduct Sunday school and VBS for the kids, teach at a local Christian English school and do some work projects. The most amazing part of the trip was getting to know each child. Each child has their his/her own story and comes from such an extreme level of poverty that it is hard for most of us to even imagine. But they are all still wonderful children of God.
We went to Cambodia to love and bless the people there through Christ. God then blessed and changed each of our team members through the wonderful Cambodian people.
For more information on our mission efforts, or to share a mission opportunity with ABCS, contact Dane Clark at (800) 678-0648 or